Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Some things just aren't meant to be

You think this is going to be some profound post about my future and the fact that I didn’t get the Thomas Paine job, don’t you?


This post is about coffee cups. :)

Aren’t these mugs fun? Fun, cute, and innocent-looking?


They are, all of them, a disaster waiting to happen! At least in my hands. :)

Whitney got me one of these, the one that says “Decaf is for Sissies”, for Christmas. I didn’t start using it until the spring semester of school, but within ONE WEEK of using it, the mug came to a hasty demise. I bumped it while sitting at a desk (a large table, really) at school, and it crashed to the ground in a mess of tea and colorful ceramics.

Feeling sorry for me, Whitney generously purchased a second mug for me around Valentine’s Day. This one was SUPER cute. It was yellow and said something about us being sisters but from totally different planets…I really liked it. BUT, lo and behold, less than a week after I started using it, this mug also met a dreadful fate. I had it in the back seat of my car with my backpack, and when I grabbed my backpack, I bumped the mug and it rolled to the concrete parking lot. Ka-blooey!

And SO, I decided to go to the Kitchens store and buy a third mug for myself. My third and final attempt, I told myself. So I bought a third mug, and boy was it cool. One side said, “Trust your crazy ideas,” and the other side said, “Always color outside the lines,” and it was super colorful and had a dark-haired girl with sunglasses…. And YES, I am speaking about this super cool mug in the past tense.

TODAY, the third and final Kitchens mug (less than one week old) met its sticky end, in the most dramatic manner yet. I set it on top of my car as I was going to school this morning. (You know where this is headed…) It was a dark, cold, rainy morning, and in my hurry to load my car without drowning in the downpour, I forgot about the mug on the roof. However, it somehow stayed on for a block… until I turned onto Neil Street… at which time I heard a rumble atop my car and thought, “Aw, MAN,” just in time to look in the rearview mirror and see a small, colorful object roll off the back of the Bubblo and SMASH with a caffeine-charged SPLOOSH onto the busy street. Sad, sad, sad, (but hilarious) story. I am simply not supposed to own one of these mugs, I suppose. Maybe I will buy one more and just set it on my desk for decoration and commemoration, never to be taken ANYWHERE! Ha.

If this episode is any indication of the rest of the day, it's gonna be a doozy. :)

1 comment:

  1. I never get bored to hear the legend of your mugs. It's amazing you can find this picture of mugs includes both Amber's and mine.
    Love you!
