Tuesday, February 22, 2011


First of all, it took me waywayway too long to design this thing. Blogs are not for the decision-making-impaired... or people who could like anything (flexible is a more flattering word for passive??).

There are seriously a lot of decisions involved in starting a blog.
  1. Do I want to start a blog?
This one is difficult enough in itself. I mean, I really enjoy writing and I enjoy chronicling events, but I have always done that anyway. A blog means doing it in a way that lots of people could potentially see. Good segue into #2:

2. Do I want anyone to actually find my blog?

The answer to this is...not really. I don't plan to advertise. But if you happen upon it, feel free to drop me a line. Yes, that means you...provided I know you. Otherwise that is sort of creepy, and I would rather you leave me alone, thanks.

4. Will I have a theme, pattern, or catch phrase that carries over from post to post?

You know those blogs... do I want to be that guy? In general, unnecessary structure stresses me out, so I'm thinking no. Maybe a series here or there...but I'm not putting this in a box.

5. Did you notice that I skipped #3?

WOW, this is a boring post. Why are you still reading it? Probably because you are me since no one else knows about this blog. hehehe. Anyhow, I really didn't mean for my first post to be about starting a blog...I mean, how unoriginal is that? But decisions are difficult for me, and I will probably have a few to make here in the next several months. I suppose that was where I was originally going with all of this. Really.

Blah. I think looking at templates and background images has fried my brain. I'll come back when I have something interesting to share with my hypothetical readers.

Peace. :)

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