Monday, January 21, 2013


Once, while attempting to explain the activities of the UIUCYG to my mother (I was maybe going through the homemade demotivator calendar), she commented facetiously, "Sarah, I'm just really glad you were able to find friends like you."  :)  I think about that comment frequently, especially after a weekend like this past one, not only because it is true....(It is true.  I am incredibly blessed to have been given the friends that I have, and it took some stunning acts of God to make that happen), but also because of recent conversations had with others who struggle to find/form true friendships.  It is super humbling to look back at the paths God has led me down to bring countless amazing people into my life.  You know who you are (if you are reading this, you are probably one of them).  I'm not typically great at expressing myself in person, so please know that each of you are heartily-appreciated gifts from God. :)