Monday, September 26, 2011

Write-y mood

I am in a very write-y mood today.  I just need to focus in on a topic or two to write about. 

We're studying Timothy in our girls' Bible study right now.  Tonight was 1 Timothy 2. 

v.1: I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men.

My first thought when I read this was, am I praying for all men?  Not that I think that's what this verse is telling us to do...clearly we don't know everyone so it is difficult to pray for all men without some ridiculous, sweeping generalization like, "I pray for everybody!" (Maybe that isn't ridiculous...?)  But, rather, is everyone I know getting prayer?  Is there someone I could pray for that no one else is praying for?  So after I read this I asked God to open my eyes to think of people I had interacted with that day who could maybe use a prayer.  The friendly, mustached custodian at school, the farmers I drove past on the way home, our principal....I don't know.  It was a good reminder.

And yes, this is 2 posts about prayer in a row, and I am writing this right after I said that tip-tapping a blog post about prayer while I could be praying is sort of silly.  So, you know, as a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool to his folly?  (That is me a lot.)  At least I am lying prone on my bed this time instead of supine, so I'm not contradicting everything I said in my last post...

In other news, well, it's been a busy few weeks.  The Sunday School Camp-Out was this past weekend!
:)  :)  :)  :)  :)
(Thanks for the pic, Syd)

It was delightful.....of course.  Speaking of prayer, it was a very good weekend, and we hope our relationships with the Sunday School kids continue to grow and prosper. :)

Mmmmmk.  G'night.

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