Saturday, July 2, 2011

The "Amish" boy :)

It turns out that this painting is actually entitled, "French Boy with Dog."  Who knew?  For one, it took me until I was a good 10 years old to realize this painting was of a boy at all.  But I'm getting ahead of myself here.

This painting has been a part of my family since.....some point before I was born.  It held an extremely prominent position in our house on 6th street, and when we built our house at the golf course, special lights were installed in the dining area specifically to illuminate this work of art.  ....But there was a slight problem with this scenario.  You see, Nobody actually likes this painting.

My mom's parents found it in the basement of their church once when the church was getting cleaned out or something.  They gave it to my mom, who cherished it as being a favorite of my grandparents.  This poor French boy faced the constant disdain and criticism of my brothers ever since that least 25 years ago.  Many a heated argument was had over his placement and prominence in the house, but Mom always maintained that she loved the painting because it was a gift from her parents, and they loved it.

Then one day a couple years ago, at some family party, the truth came out.  Poor Mom was defending the painting again, and finally asked Grandma something to the effect of, "Don't you remember this painting?  Don't you love it?"  To which Grandma replied, "Oh, I never really cared much for it....that's why we gave it to you!"  Hahaha....

Since that time, the Amish Boy (as he is endearingly but innacuately referred to) has been removed from his prominent position in the dining area, and is in the process of getting passed around the family.  He magically appeared above Carl and Kristen's fireplace when they moved into their new house, from which he hopped to the bedroom that Matt and Nico use at my parents' house.......Jim and Maureen are moving this weekend.......and Carl made the excellent suggestion that the Amish Boy really needs to make an appearance in their new house.

I heartily agree.

And that is what brought this whole topic to my mind in the first place.

In case you were wondering.  :)

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious!!!!
    I love this post!!!
    What a family tradition
