Thursday, April 11, 2013

Money's Worth

 You know those times when you buy something, and you're not really sure if it's worth the money?  Maybe you don't know if you will fully use or appreciate the purchase in the future.  That is sort of how I felt when I bought these wall decorations in Michigan a couple years ago. 

Now I am glad that I bought them.

Believe, Explore, Leap Fearlessly.

Or, as I read it to myself some days...BELIEVE!  EXPLORE!  LEAP FEARLESSLY!!

Our great God has our back in all circumstances, and it is nice to have encouraging wall decor to remind ourselves of that from time to time. :)

Also, the YG went to Perkins last night.  Totally about filled up the back room.  It was good to see.  
Very good. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally remember that purchasing adventure :) THey are pretty sweet I must say! Love ya! :)-K
