Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Small(ish) Things

In girls' Bible study this week, we were talking about how God takes care of the small things we pray for, and I heard a pretty cool example of that today. 

Last week, one of my 5th grade boys came into my room really down in the dumps.  People had been bullying him all day, his iPod was stolen, and on top of all that, he had just spilled his juice carton all over himself.  A pretty awful day for a 5th grade boy...or anyone.  I remember saying a quick prayer that things would start looking up for him, or at least that he would find his iPod.  Today, I asked him if he had ever found it.  He lit up and said that he had.  It was found in the gym, fully charged (it was not fully charged when he lost it) and blasting Amazing Grace--  He previously did not even own Amazing Grace.  
So...not quite sure what happened there, but I do know that God is pretty cool like that, and no request is too petty for him to consider.