Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fog...and Perspective

I lifted this picture off of some stranger's blog.  I had this grand idea in my head for a post about how faith is like walking in fog...You just take one step at a time, not entirely sure where you are headed, unable to see whatever might be in the distance...but as long as you follow the Path (and/or a shadowy figure leading the way), you can trust that you will safely arrive wherever it is you're supposed to end up.

So there.  That was my blog post about fog.

But anyhow, I was going to write this post about fog, so I Google Imaged "Fog", and a blog popped up with this picture on it, which I lifted (I'm writing in circles, I know).  Then I stopped and took a moment to read what the original blogger had written.  Her personal fog involved the recent death of her father-- certainly a much more sobering situation than anything I am currently facing.  In fact, it is a situation that I really, really, really hate to even imagine for myself.  And it made me thankful that, although I face trials and decisions like anyone else, I am blessed in so many countless ways and have it VERY good.  Even if this unimaginable situation were to happen to me (...reallyreallyreally don't like to think about it), I would still be blessed in so many countless ways, and I would still have it very good.  I have my Jesus to thank for that.  <3

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