Sunday, April 22, 2012

quick thought

This world contains a lot of cool people, for the record.  Just when I think I surely know them all, more pop into my life.  It helps that most people can be cool (or at least worthy of respect) if you find out where they're coming from...  I've always wanted to stretch my introverted self to make room for all these cool people, to be as much of a blessing to them as they are to me...  Not really going anywhere with that statement; it's just a statement.  I'm still working on being pliable in that way. For some reason it's been especially difficult lately, but it's worth the effort.  My loved ones are the only things I can hope to take to Heaven with me.

1 comment:

  1. [My loved ones are the only things I can hope to take to Heaven with me.] Amen to that! And for the record, you are one of the coolest people I know and one of the blessings to me XD
