Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Is this what being a grown-up is like?

...This is new to me... Getting up early(ish), going to work for all day, coming home and being pretty tired... Well, I should say, I was pretty tired on Monday when I got home. After that I developed a new plan of attack for this get-up-and-go in the morning concept. I GOT UP (as in, out of bed, not just thrashing around under my covers like a fish out of water delaying the inevitable) and MADE COFFEE (I know...coffee again? I may make this a habit...weird, yeah...) and ATE BREAKFAST (okay, a little bitty breakfast) and took a MORNING shower and did some MORNING DEVOTIONS. I also had extra coffee that I took to school with me. After all of that, I can say that it is 9:37 p.m., and I have been up and at 'em all day. Maybe I'll turn into to a quasi morning person yet! Haha, okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves.... :)

I should mention also that my first two days at UMS/Thomas Paine have been going pretty well. Actually, they have been very slow, which partially co
ntributed to yesterday's excessive tiredness. But today I brought my laptop (a.k.a. lifesaver) that brought me through the day with flying colors of productivity. I worked on my cover letter, resume, and application to Thomas Paine, and made grand progress. Oh yeah, did I mention that there is a job opening at Thomas Paine? (I might have.) We go there several times a week. I saw the room of the departing SLP today....it is HUGE. I could totally go for a room like that. It would also just be great to be able to go to a school I am already familiar with. I mean, really. But que serĂ¡ serĂ¡, as they say... God's got this one.

Quote of the day today from an 8th grader defending his Apples-to-Apples selection of tooth fairy for the category frightening:

"The idea of an
unknown entity of ambiguous intent sneaking into one's room in the middle of the night is extremely frightening. What is she doing with those teeth, anyway?"

No arguing with that. He won the card. :)

...so, I was going to insert a picture of a big man in a tooth fairy costume here, but I refrained (requiring considerable effort). You and I don't need nightmares. However, in my search for a toothfairy picture, I happened across a sweet tooth fairy demotivator slogan that may have to be stolen at some point...possibly.

It's Coming Out, One Way or Another.


In addition to all this grown-up excitement, it was the Irish Party this weekend! May have been the best ever. Began with Carl giving a PowerPoint present
ation about Ireland. You know, location, topography... (wait, wait...you mean Ireland has pasture????). It was pretty hilarious...and the night ended with Connor (age 6, BTW...don't get the wrong idea here...) sprawled on the floor of random nooks and crannies of the house (behind dining room table, in coat closet...) because he had had too. much. fun. Haha. Good times.

The Master of Ceremonies. :)

After the Irish Party, we had a lot of leftovers...surprise, surprise... Or was it Alot of Leftovers? Bhahahahaha....insert hilarious mental picture....please ignore if you don't what I'm talking about or go to

ANYHOW, Dad sent me home with an entire 10 x 15 pan of shepherd's pie, which I proceeded to feed to anyone who would try it. We partook of
this "ethnic irish meal" in a delightfully festive way last Sunday evening. :)


OKAY, this has been entirely too long so I'll be quiet now. Thanks for reading (or skimming, as the case may be...)

Drive through, please.

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